
The venture details portrayed on our website are solely for informative intentions.

Noels Exurbia and Noels Country Village Hospitality Services will not be responsible for any choices adopted with the data presented herewith. We persuade expected buyers to confirm all details and particulars of area, amenities, service, specifications, terms of sale, payments, etc., with our Proprietor/Marketing side before culminating any certitude for buying our farm villa plot and obtaining the maintenance service in the farm undertaking developments.

In addition, the illustrations, pictures, and visuals used herewith are descriptive and demonstrative in essence and not in any way meant to put certainty. Nevertheless care has been taken to portray a satisfactory amount of exactness while it is intended to impart, a comprehension of the venture. Clearness in this regard, can be gotten by contacting our administrative office. All specifications of the farm plot shall only be as per the Final Agreement between Noels Exurbia and the Allottee. The villa construction specifications and contract shall be only as per the final agreement between Noels Exurbia and farm plot owner. All specifications of maintenance & management services towards common area maintenance and the owners farm villa plot shall be as per the final agreement between THE NOELS EXURBIA & farmland villa plot owner.

Modifications, may be made during the progress of the farm villa plots proposition, as well as usual conveniences, and terms are subject to change without notice. The general information included on this website, is believed to be accurate, but aspiring individual buyer’s, are urged to make acquirement decisions supported on their personal inquests with the company. There may be inadvertent errors with regard to the explanation of our farm villa plots relating to their sizes, maintenance supports, conveniences, stipulations, plans, photographs, vertical height on land, pricing, taxes and other related issues.

In no incident will we be accountable for any losses or damages as well as, without limitation, indirectly or consequential loss or harm, or any loss or damage whatever occurs from forfeiture of data or gains happening out of or in linkage of using this website.

All and every effort is made to keep the website up and running efficiently. However, Noels Exurbia takes no responsibility for, and will not be liable for, the website being momentarily unavailable due to technical issues beyond our control.

The user must ascertain and verify all details and specifications including but not limited to the area, Photos, elevations, plans, amenities, specifications, services, terms of sales, payments and all other relevant terms on ones own initiative with our proprietor, sales/marketing team preceding to concluding any decision for acquiring/buying our farm villa plots in our blueprint and its progressive developments.

All required specific details, can be sought from our proprietor: MR. NOEL RODGERS  +91 82174 71274

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